ginasios No Further um Mistério

Rotary is not, definitely, a charitable institution only, pelo matter how proud we may be of the thousands of humanitarian projects conceived and developed by rotarians around the Earth.

Pesquisas constatam qual pessoas usando alto grau do Inteligência Emocional sãeste Muito mais realizadas e felizes.

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Freedom is the most precious value for any human being. Your rotarian leadership enriches and strengthens the circulation of ideas in these transmillenial times, thus stimulating the free formation of opinions in our association. Your stature in service to society is a source of pride and inspiration for all. I hereby send you my warmest and brotherly congratulations during this Season of good will and joy. Let us keep in mind this lesson by Nobel prize-winner Jose Saramago in his "Essay on Blindness" – those who can see have a greater responsibility in their community! During my term as Governor of District 4530 in 2008/09, I sent some texts for the Rotarian Community to ponder, basically proposing that the institution's credibility and planetary presence, in addition to its usual humanitarian and philanthropic actions, should include in our agenda a discussion on the causes of poverty.

Assunto: Re: Rotary and international crisis Dear Ronaldo Carneiro, I have finally read your address. I enjoyed it. It was thought provoking. My Degree is in Philosophy. I do enjoy "interpreting" the world rather than transforming it. I am motivated by opportunities to be useful. I have, as you, 123 days left to be useful as a District Governor. I am not motivated by grand schemes of change. I believe that there is much in Marxist thought that is useful in interpreting the "modern world". While I do not think that the rich should be impoverished I believe that people like Bernard Madoff who stole 50 Billion dollars worth of investors money and who has as yet not spent one day tiago personal fitness trainer in jail should be severely punished for his criminality.

En officialisant le Gouvernement à la direction de l’Économie, ce qui veut dire, en remplaceant l’inéxorable et impersonnelle loi por l’offre et de la demande par le questionnable et personnaliste pouvoir de la volonté humaine, Keynes a probablement fait Adam Smith et tous les penseurs subsé especialmentequents bouger dans leurs tombes, en essayant de comprendre une telle obscé especialmentenité et inconsé especialmentequence !!! Je responsabilise la théorie monfoitariste pour la vaste exclusion sociale dissé especialmenteminfoie dans tout le monde et pour tous les conflits armés aussi: beaucoup de ressources dans les mains por peux, pour décider selon la volonté humaine, c'est une formule anti-dé especialmentemocratique par excellence!!! Et dans une situation do manque por nourriture pour la bouche des enfants !!! Elle ne résiste pas à la moindre preuve por rationalité. Je ne me sentirais pas à l’aise dans un club quelqconque, en pré especialmentesence des ce messieur (ses disciples furent encore plus irresponsables et inconsé especialmentequents). Ils ont dé especialmentecouvert d'eux-mêmes un motif additionnel pour le processus économique : la géné especialmenteration por capital sans aucun travail productif. Ils ont construit des châteaux de sable qui s’écroulent maintenant, pendant la terrible et profonde crise de que le monde est en train d'assister. Avant qu’il soit trop tard nous devons revenir au meilleur de nos origines, pour bâtir progressivement un futur por paix, santé et succès pour tous. De que Dieu bénisse nos enfants, un par un, en chaque nation. Ronaldo Carneiro - Ex-Professeur USP/FEI/FGV [email protected] Translated from portuguese by Jean Marie - [email protected]

In this way our rotarian work shall be reduced, dear colleague, and we will be able to dedicatedly integrate our communities' conscience, instead of limiting ourselves to philanthropy and charity. This is my contribution to take the matter to the rotarian agenda.

That is to say, the inequality of opportunities under the rules of human interaction has been generating a terrible process of domination and of human bondage: the dictatorship of bureaucrats.

A transmissãeste usando correia assim como a proteção em couro proporciona uma pedalagem fluida e silenciosa.

A sua própria confiança é a nossa maior preocupação, por isso, as companhias não podem possibilitar embolsar para alterar as avaliações. Saiba mais. × Pesquise nas avaliações

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Your message is clear and I applaud your insight and vision! My faith, as yours, is restored when I think of the good work of Rotarians throughout our world and how this great organization has brought us all together. I regret that we did not have occasion to meet at the International Assembly last year as I would have enjoyed speaking with you. Perhaps our paths will cross again in Birmingham, England or Montreal, Canada but regardless of where it will be, I will look forward to making your acquaintance.

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